Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The two words, economics and ecology have the same root. “Eco” means home. Economics is the management of the home and ecology is the study of the home. In the issue of large hog barn development it is important to remember that the economic and the ecological concerns are intertwined and cannot be separated

Air Pollution
Air is an important natural resource providing the basis of life on earth. Entire biosphere depends on air. Air in the atmosphere provides oxygen to plants and animals, by virtue of which they are able to live.
The composition of air (78% N, 21% O, 0.03% CO2) is necessary to be maintained for the continuance of life on earth. Impairment of composition of air directly affects the living of plants and animals - as the life process would be curtailed in case of reduction in oxygen content in air.
Polluting such a natural resource by various human activities will substantially change the composition of air. This may lead to many short term and long term implications on the life of plants and animals. Besides the change in composition, the pollution may directly add some poisonous and harmful gases - which may cause series of health complications.

Water Pollution
Pollution of water is a broad subject dealing with different types of pollutants entering the hydrological cycle. Surface flowing river water, underground water and vast sea water are included in a broad subject of water pollution. Out of them, drinking water pollution is most important, as such a pollution is directly connected with human health. Water being indispensable part of human body, the daily intake of water is of utmost important for all physiological activities. If such daily used drinking water is polluted - the health of human beings will be badly affected. A general information about water pollution is presented below-with an emphasis on drinking water pollution.

Concentration of livestock production turns nutrients into poisons, provides an environment for disease epidemics, overwhelms capacity of local ecosystem to cycle nutrients, and depletes areas from which resources are removed. It is no longer farming, but an industrial process.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


How can I help myself?

If your gambling is causing problems in your life, there are things you can do to minimise, control or stop the gambling problem

Sometimes it can be hard to have a positive view on the world especially if things have been hard to cope with. Learning new things and improving on things you are already good at can be really positive ways of helping yourself to feel confident and happier.Talking about gambling problems with somebody you trust can ease the pain of bottling it up. It can also reduce the stress that can cause you to continue to gamble

It is easier to stay focussed on controlling or giving-up gambling when you set a weekly timetable and stick to it. A balance of work, rest, leisure and spending time with family is important.

Although it sounds really simple, getting enough sleep, healthy food and exercise can help you to feel more able to tackle the problem that is worrying you.

If there's someone you trust, talk with them and see if they can help you understand what is going on in your life and how you can make positive changes.

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New words Module 3,4

Erupt- галт уул дэлбэрэх, дэгдэх, үүсэх Volcano- галт уул Explosion- тэсрэлт Flood- үер, их ус, дарах Earthquake- газар хөдлөлт Mirror- толь, тусган харуулах Kettle- данх, тунхуу Steam- уур, уурын хүч, уур гаргах Ash- үнс нурам Force- бяр чадал, хүч нөлөө involve- холбогдох, татан оруулах Depend- хамаарах, шалтгаалах Neigh- унгалдах Moo- мөөрөх Cluck- гооглох, шогшрох Howl- улих, ёолох Spy- тагнуул, туршуул Identity- таних тогтоох Mission- элч, төлөөлөгч Drag- ажлын садаа, тамхи сорох Spread- түрхэх, тэнийлгэх Avoid- зугтах, хамгаалах, зайлуулах Further- хамаагүй хол, мөн, бас, илүү Significance- ач холбогдол, учир утга Intelligence- оюун ухаан, тагнуулын мэдээ Lethal- үхлийн, хөнөөлт Declare- зарлах, тунхаглах Accuse- буруушаах, ял тулгах Roar- архирах Chop- цавчих, жиргэх Mediterranean- газар дундын тэнгис Examination- шалгалт, үзлэг Beat- цохих, нүдэх Ability- чадвар, авъяас Allergy- харшил Extreme- туйлын, онцгой Witness- өмгөөлөх талын, гэрчлэх Victim- золиос, хохирогч Parachut- шүхрээр үсрэх Issue- хэргийн гол учир, үр удам Position- байрлал, байр суурь Rescue- аврал, аврах, туслах Survivor- амьд үлдсэн хүн Forest- ой мод Composition- хөгжмийн зохиол Similar- адил, ижил төстэй Contrast- эрс ялгаа Harmful- аюултай хортой Transfer- шилжүүлэх, дамжин явах Recent- шинэ, өнөө үеийн, ойрын Convince- итгүүлэх, ятгах Presume- таамаглах, зориглох Claim- гэгдэхийг оролдох, нэхэмжлэх Kidnap- хүн хулгайлах Cliff- хад цохио Passage- өнгөрөөх, нэвтрүүлэх Refill- дахин шинээр үүсгэх Suck- хөхөх, сорох Melt- хайлах, урсах Empire- хаант улс, ноёрхол Galaxy- тэнгэрийн заадас, сансар огторгуй Weapons- хөгжмийн зэмсэг Conscious- мэдрэмжтэй, ухамсартай Authentic- жинхэнэ Blaze- гал түймэр, дүрсхийх Reunion- олон жилийн дараа уулзах Barely- дөнгөж, арай ядан Redden- улайх, минчийх Delay- хойшлуулах Retire- тэтгэвэрт гарах, ухрах knit- нэхэх, сүлжих Robber- дээрэмчин, хулгайч Amuse- инээлгэх Redecorate- байранд шинээр засвар хийх

My personal Blog:

Monday, September 22, 2008

In my holiday

Greetings from Portugal! The weather is very hot here and I'm having a wonderful time. I'm staying with my best friend, Ganaa. I have been here since Monday and I have already done lots of things! I bought some lovely handmade souvenirs there. It was fun! I have been to a traditional restaurant. The food is very delicious. We are also going to visit Luxor. The place is famous for its huge temples and statues. On the last day of my vacation , I went fishing on a beautiful lake. Unfortunately, I didn't catch any fish, and I got bored. I decided to go swimming. When I stood up, my wallet fell out of my pocket and into the water. I have never had such a terrible experience.

Last August, I went on a ski trip to Switzerland. The first morning, I got into a cable car. I wanted to go to the top of the mountain and ski down. The cable car started up the mountain. I looked down, and it was so beautiful. I meet friends in restaurants and bars and we chat. Everything was great. It's impossible to say what was the best thing about the trip.

We went to Thailand for our summer vacation last year. It was our first trip to Asia. We loved it. We spent a week in Bangkok and did something different everyday. We went to the floating market very early one morning. Then we saw two more temples nearby. The next time we have friends over for dinner, I'm going to cook Thai food.
This holiday was fantastic. So when you have time, get on the first plane to the Thailand and have the time of your life!
About me

As you know, I have a large family. Besides my old people. My father is the oldest in the family. My father, Oyunkhuu, is an accountant. He is a very clever person and he's very kind. My mother, Munkhzaya, is really beautiful. My parents don't live with me. Because they was living in Seoul. My grandfather was journalist. He was very hard working people. My grandmother was work in museum. She was really having clean habits. But my grandmother died in 4 years ago. My sister and brothers live with me. I was born on 15th of February 1989. I have got brown eyes and long straight brown hair. I usually wear jeans and sports wear. In my free time, I love listening to pop music. My favorite sports are basketball and tennis. I used to play tennis when I was a child. I also enjoy riding my bicycle. I think I'm honesty and friendly. I graduated from the "Tugs Jargalant" school in 2007. I like to go for a picnic with the best friends and teacher. Because we are funny, and enjoy time. Well, that's all about me. Write back and tell me about yourself.

Monday, September 15, 2008