Sunday, September 6, 2009

Vacancy notice
Project: Revitalization of Mongolian Potato Sector Program (RMPSP)
Job title: communication and marketing specialist (part time)
Location: Ulaanbaatar, with frequent trips to project sites.
Expected starting date: January 15, 2007
In collaboration with the MonConsult LLC and Mongolian Farmers Association for Rural Development, Swiss Agency for Development and cooperation is implementing the Revitalization of Mongolian Potato Sector Program (RMPSP). Its goal is to improve the productivity of potato production at the national and subsistence level by supporting the reestablishment of an efficient and sustainable seed potato production and a decentralized quality seed supply system.
The program is seeking a candidate with appropriate experience as Communication and Marketing Specialist.
Tasks and Responsibilities:
• Coordinate with representative mass media (TVs, studios, newspapers, publishers etc.)
• Prepare regular newsletters (monthly or quarterly) for wider distribution to the Program stakeholders
• Maintain contacts with the major chain supermarkets, groceries and food markets for the implementation of on the spot public advertising campaign ;
• Assist in promoting the NPC among the sub sector stakeholders
• Prepare marketing plan of the Program including the identification of opportunities for grading, packing, labeling and processing and the market potential for value added potato products;
• Assess economic and technical viability and the practicality of the value added potato production;
• Produce monthly and quarterly report on the activities performed
• Other tasks reasonably requested by the Program Coordinator and the Implementation Advisor;

Qualifications and Experience:
• A university degree in agriculture, economics, social sciences fields of expertise; preferably at postgraduate level;
• At least 5 years of relevant professional experience in agriculture production, marketing, public communication, promotion and other relevant fields;
• Good practical knowledge of agribusiness and market development, including identification of niche market opportunities, production and supply chain development.
• Strong technical skills to carry out a comprehensive value chain analysis of the crop production
• Skills to identify, formulate and implement innovative public awareness campaign and marketing
• Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
• Strong computer skills particularly to internet and the web hosting applications
Interested candidates should submit their CV with reference letters electronically to or personally at the address:
Project Management Unit:
‘’MonConsult’’LLC Building
East Cross Road, 14-khoroo, Bayanzurkh District, Ulaanbaatar
Phone/Fax: 976-11-460158
Application are welcomed not later than December 29, 2006. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ажилд авна
Хаана: "Зээлийн мэдээллийн төв" ХХК
Албан тушаал: "Зээлийн мэдээллийн төв" ХХК төслийн менежер

Тавигдах шаардлага:
  1. Банк санхүүгийн чиглэлээр бакалавр болон түүнээс дээш зэрэгтэй
2. Банк санхүүгийн байгууллагад зээл, эрсдлийн үнэлгээний чиглэлээр ажиллаж байсан, мөн удирдах ажил хийж байсан туршлагатай /5-аас дээш жил ажилласан/
3. Англи хэлний бичгийн болон ярианы өндөр мэдлэгтэй
4. Хууль эрх зүйн зохих мэдлэгтэй

Бүрдүүлэх материал:
  1. Дипломын нотариатаар гэрчлүүлсэн хувилбар
  2. Товч намтар /сүүлийн 3 сард авхуулсан зураг/
  3. Таныг сайн мэдэх 3 хүний мэдээлэл /Таны садан төрлийн болон, найз нөхөд/
  4. Урьд нь ажиллаж байсан газрын тодорхойлолт
  5. Иргэний үнэмлэхний нотариатаар гэрчлүүлсэн хуулбар
  6. Ажилд орохыг хүссэн өргөдөл
Та өөрийн CV болон өргөдлөө хаягаар, мөн Монголын Банкны холбооны ресепшн дээр 2009 оны нэгдүгээр сарын 28-ны дотор авчирч өгнө үү.

Холбоо барих утас: 314105, 323581

Vacancy notice

location: '' Credit information center''
job title: '' Credit information center'' project manager

  • Qualification require:
  1. Bachelor degree in bank and finance to upward degree
  2. at least 5 years working experience in bank and finance of credit , risk valuation or administrate
  3. Strong written and verbal english skiees
  4. Basic knowledge of law
  • Complete materials:
  1. Copyies diploma with notarize
  2. Curricum Vitae (cv)
  3. Your best know 3 people /relative, and friend
  4. Previous your job definition
  5. Copyies personal identification with notarize
  6. Employees application form
  • Please send the application form your CV along to e.mail and please come by reception of the office to '' Mongolian bank association'' before the 28th of november 2009